
How Does Different Eyebrows Change The Same Face

Same Face – Different Eyebrows

The way you do your eyebrows can completely change how your face looks and what you transmit to the people you meet. The eyebrows can make your nose and eyes look bigger or smaller, thinner or wider. They can even make you look happy or sad, roughen or soften your smile. Our hair on our bodies, in general grows very fast and if you want to experiment with shapes you can easily do it then stick to something that fits you the best. But remember, if you are not very gifted with a talent in eyebrow shaping, go to a professional and let her/him do the work for you.

You will see the evidence here in the picture above on how a different eyebrow changes the same face.  It’s the same face with 6 different eyebrow shapes of the most common ones women have. Thin brows can make you look very sensitive, while thick brows make you look very youthful, very young. Tell us which one you think fits this model the best in the comments section below!

Check out alsoEyebrows Shapes According to the Face Form.

Keep baing AllDayChic!

Photo courtesy: lotusmb.

Tags : eyebrowsEyebrows Shapes

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