
How to Make a Cute and Messy Loop Bun

Tired of classic buns that all look kind of the same? Try out this low loop bun you can make in 10 minutes or less. You don’t have to have special skills, and it is actually easier to make than a doughnut bun we have showed you how to make in our previous articles. It looks a little messy, but that is the point, we want to create something different.

What you will need:

– hair brush;
– shine spray;
– hair elastics;
– bobby pins;
– hairspray.


1. Brush your hair and add some shine spray to it, this will make it look younger and healthier.

2. Secure the hair in a low ponytail with the help of the hair elastic.

3. Put some hairspray on your hands and rub them to your forehead to make the hairstyle be more elegant.

4. Take another hair elastic and as you can see in the pictures, create the loop and leave some ends free that you will secure and use to cover the hair elastics.

5. Take some bobby pins, roll the hair around the elastic and secure it with the pins.

6. At the end use more hairspray and you are done!

hair-low-bunPhoto courtesy: frizure.

Keep being AllDayChic!

Tags : BunMessy BunponytailPonytail Hairstyle

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