
How To Make Santa Looking Bread

Freshly baked bread is a must on the Christmas table and if you want to try out something special this year, we have a beautifully shaped bread you can make and amaze the entire family. The Santa looking bread is easy to make and the visual impact of it is absolutely wonderful. The little more work you will put in making the bread will have such a big impact on everyone and the family will love it.

How To Make Santa Looking Bread

– 4 to 4-1/2 cups bread flour;
– half cup sugar;
– 2 packages (1/4 ounce each) of active dry yeast;
– 1-1/2 teaspoons salt;
– half cup milk;
– 1/4 cup water;
– 1/4 cup butter, cubed;
– 2 eggs ;
– 2 raisins for the eyes;
– 2 egg yolks;
– 2 to 3 drops red food coloring to make the hat;
– different kitchen bowls and utensils.

1. Take a large bowl and combine in it the following ingredients: 2 cups of flour, the sugar, the yeast and the salt.
2. In a small saucepan you want to heat the milk with the butter then add it to the big bowl.
3. Beat the ingredients just until they are moistened then add the 2 whole eggs and keep beating until smooth.
4. Gradually add the remaining flour until you get a stiff dough.
5. Put the dough on a flat surface, and for about 6-8 minutes keep kneading until it becomes smooth and elastic.
6. Prepare a different bowl, grease it and put the dough in it. Let it sit for about one hour until it gets double the size.
7. You want to start preheating the oven to 350 degrees F and split the dough into two, one portion slightly larger than the other one.
8. Take the larger portion and make something like a triangle shape from it but with round edges, this will be Santa’s face and hat.
9. Now you will work with the smaller portion and you will have to divide it in half. Take one half and make the beard from it, start by making a half circle. You will also need scissors or a pizza cutter to make the strips. Position the beard over the face then curls and twist the strips.
10. With the remaining dough you will make the nose, moustache, hat pom-pom and the brim. Cut out the moustache from the dough then cut in strips both ends and position it over the face.
11. Make the bat brim, the pom pom and a round nose and attach them to the Santa face as you can see in the picture.
12. Add the raisins to make the eyes by cutting a little bit through the dough.
13. In two separate small bowls put the following: in one bowl one beaten egg yolk, in another bowl one beaten egg yolk with the red food coloring.
14. Brush the egg with the coloring over the hat, nose and cheeks and for the rest use the simple egg yolk.
15. Cover with a foil loosely and bake for 15 minutes. Take it out and remove the foil, then insert it again in the oven for 12 minutes more until it turns golden brown.
16. Enjoy your bread!

Source: tasteofhome.

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Tags : breadChristmasrecipeSanta ClausSanta Claus Decorations

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