When it comes to our food habits, we are definitely not the best generation. But one can always learn to incorporate the healthy with the delicious! So here is a wonderful recipe for a tasty pie that is a delight to bite into, and has all the goodness of spinach! Let’s learn how to get the best out of this pie with this easy tutorial.
You will need:
– 500g flour;
– 90 ml of extra virgin olive oil;
– a tablespoon of salt;
– 200ml of white wine, preferably dry and slightly warm.
– 350g boiled spinach;
– 350g ricotta cheese;
– 100g parmesan cheese (grated);
– an egg;
– bread crumbs;
– salt and pepper to taste.
Let’s get started!
1. Gather all the ingredients together in a mixer and blend until uniform.
2. Cover it with some cling-film, to help keep it moist while you get the stuffing ready.
3. Squeeze out the water from the spinach, cut it in pieces and mix it with the ricotta cheese in a bowl.
4. Now, add the egg, parmesan cheese and salt and pepper to this mixture and mix well.
5. Divide the dough into 2 parts and make two circles with a rolling pin.
6. Place one of the circles onto a piece of baking paper and sprinkle it with bread crumbs.
7. Take the stuffing, and put one dollop right in the centre.
8. Use the rest of the stuffing to make a ring on the periphery of the dough circle.
9. Now, spread parmesan cheese on the stuffing and cover it with the other dough circle.
10. Use a fork and meld the two by pressing them together at the edges.
11. Place a small bowl in the centre of this arrangement and press it in.
12. Use a fork to prickle around this.
13. Cut the area outside this small bowl vertically from all sides and turn each slice up.
14. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for 30 minutes.
Enjoy your delicious spinach pie either by itself or with an accompaniment and reap all the health benefits as well!
Photo courtesy: Coolinarika.
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