In most high school courses, essay-writing skills are often one of the last things to be taught and practiced. Unfortunately, the skills that you learn in high school don’t always translate well into college writing, where the expectations are higher and the writers are older. If you’re struggling with your college essays and there’s no essay writer helper around, read on to learn 8 tips for how to write A-grade essays in college.
1. Write as much as you can
There’s no sugarcoating it—essay writing is hard. But it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. With a little bit of planning and organization, you can get the job done (and get an A grade). Make sure you write as much as you can based on the prompt. The more information you provide, the more credible your argument will be.
You might want to do some research beforehand in order to find what type of essay works best for your style. Then start writing! Once you’ve written enough, stop and read over what you’ve written before continuing with your next paragraph or sentence.
2. Prepare and then go with the flow
The best way to start any essay is by preparing. This means brainstorming, doing some research, and then outlining your thoughts. Once you have a plan or a topic it’ll be much easier to execute your essay and stay on track.
However, don’t get too bogged down in the planning phase – sometimes the best essays are those that are written spontaneously. So once you have a general idea of what you want to say, go with the flow and see where your thoughts take you.
3. Always double check your papers
No matter how good you think your paper is, always check it over for grammar and spelling mistakes. These can easily be missed, but they can make a big difference in your grade.
If you’re not sure about something, ask your professor, a TA or even someone from grade miners. They’re there to help you and want you to succeed.
Be clear and concise in your writing. Your professor will likely have a page limit, so make sure you stay within that.
Use strong evidence to support your claims.
4. Prioritize – Rank all your courses
Your first step is to sit down and make a list of all the classes you’re taking this semester. Next to each class, write down the professor’s name and the workload for each class.
Now, take a look at your list and start prioritizing which classes are most important to you and your future. Write those numbers next to them on your list. Write down 1 next to the course that is most important to you; 2 next to the second most important course; 3 next to the third, and so on.
Remember that what might be the highest priority for one person might not be as high on another person’s list!
5. Get involved in activities outside of school
Extracurricular activities are a great way to get involved in college. They can help you make friends, learn new skills, and explore your interests. Plus, they look great on resumes and can help you get into your dream school.
Explore internships or part-time jobs. Once you’ve narrowed down what interests you, look for opportunities that align with those passions. Internships and part-time jobs are also a great way to gain experience outside of the classroom.
6. Have a plan before starting a paper. To do so, ask yourself, What’s my angle?
Starting an essay without a plan is like going on a road trip without a map—you might know where you want to go, but you’re likely to get lost along the way. The same is true for your essay.
Before you start writing, take a few minutes to figure out what your angle or thesis is. What are you trying to prove? Once you have your thesis, the rest of the essay will be much easier to write.
7. Create an outline before you start writing
Create an outline of what you’ll like to include before you start writing. It’s a great way to keep track of your thoughts and make sure that your essay has a cohesive structure. You can also work on developing your thesis statement during this time, which will be the backbone for the rest of your essay.
8. Take breaks to refresh yourself
Even though it may seem like you need to power through and get all of your work done in one sitting, it’s actually better for your focus and concentration levels to take breaks every so often. Get up, walk around, grab a snack or some water, and then come back to your work refreshed and ready to tackle the next task.
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