Give a chic note to your home interior choosing to make some ruffle pillows to decorate your couch.
You will need:
– pillow case fabric;
– scissors;
– needle and thread;
– sewing machine.
Directions: Cut the material in two equal parts, for the front and the back of the pillow. From the same fabric, you need to cut some strips- as much to cover the pillow case, but much longer for ruffling them. Next, you need to hand sew the middle of each strip or use the machine set on basting stitch, being sure that you leave some thread at the end, like a tail. After this, you must pin the strips on the pillow front case, one next to each other, and pull the threads to create the ruffles. Set your machine to normal stitch length and sew them again on the center. Add the back of the pillow case and sew it. Pay attention to not catch the ruffles! Enjoy!
Photo courtesy: buncee.
Keep being AllDayChic!
My name is Caroline and I LOVE your ruffled pillow that you made! I was wondering if you happened to have the measurements that you used to the pillow itself and each ruffles. Thanks so much!