
Flower Shaped Lemon Tarts

Flower Shaped Lemon Tarts

Here is an awesome dessert, easy to make and with a pretty aspect. These cute flower shaped lemon tarts will delight your family and friends.

You will need:
– mini muffin pan;
– flower shaped cookie cutter;
– 1 package of frozen dough or you can make a butter biscuits dough;
– lemon curd (check out the video below to find how to make it);
– powdered sugar.

Procedure: Prepare the dough unrolling it and start cutting flower shapes with the special cookie cutter. Center each flower over a mini muffin form. Fold some petals gently to place the dough inside the cavity of the cupcake form easily. Delicately push the external petals against the muffin pan sides, then push the interior 3 petals against the sides and outer 3 petals. Use a fork to prick each of the bottoms of the dough, twice. Preheat the oven for 350 degrees F or 180 degrees C and bake the ”flowers” for about 7 minutes, before golden brown. Place the cookies on a plate after cool. Fill each flower with lemon curd and dust the powdered sugar over the tops. Enjoy!

Flower Shaped Lemon Tarts 1

Photo courtesy: bazardasreceitasdelli.

Keep being AllDayChic!

Tags : cookiedessertFlower Shapelemon curdLemon Tarts


  1. Hi, i have tried to make this recipe by following your manual, but if according to your advice make those mini cakes with the butter biscuits dough it wont work! could you please advice another recipe for this mini cakes.

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