
Cute Bag Made from an Old Sweater – DIY

Old Sweater Handbags

Inspired by TheInadvertantFarmer, this lovely DIY project will help you to transform an old wool sweater into a cute bag useful for knitting, books or -why not?- to do market.

You will need:

– 1 old wool sweater;
– needles and threads;
– sewing machine (optional);
– scissors.


1. Start by cutting the sleeves and also the neck of the sweater, deep, before they reach the same line, because they will form the bag`s handles.

2. According to your primer idea, you can sew the bottom part as it is or you can wide it by attaching another part of fabric, cut out from one remaining sleeve.

3. In this phase, the bag is basically finished.

4. With a little imagination you can just make it prettier by adding various kinds of hand-made flowers, created from the same fabric and sewed on the bag.

Note: Check out also the Chic Handbag Made from an Old Sweater – DIY. Enjoy!

Old Sweater Turned Into a Bag

Photo courtesy: TheInadvertantFarmer.

Keep being AllDayChic!

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