
Chocolate Flower Bouquet – DIY


We are used to give flowers when celebrating with friends and family. What about sending a bunch of original flowers made from sweets, neatly packaged in a delicate paper? Ready to experiment? Then check out the directions below!

You will need:
– scissors;
– crepe paper (green and pink or a color you wish);
– a cutter;
– chocolate (preferably circular – for example, Ferrero Rocher);
– gold thread;
– sticks for the stems;
– glue;
– foil or gold paper.

Directions: Wrapp the chocolates with gold foil and secure with gold thread. Now start making the petals. Prepare a couple of squares of pink crepe paper. You will need 2 squares for each flower. Overlap them then fold once to cut out the upper corner of the opening, in a round shape. Prepare as many petals as you need to create your bouquet. Gently, place the wrapped chocolates on the petals and cover them. Secure with gold thread. Now make the flower stalks. For this, prepare a couple of squares of green crepe paper and cut out some triangles at the top (to obtain the shape of a ” fence”). Glue the bottom part of the ”little green fences” to buds. Attach sticks placing a strip of green paper over it and fixing with glue. And Voila!


diy-chocolate-flower-bouquet-rose-buds-ferrero-rocherPhoto courtesy:

Keep being AllDayChic!

Tags : chocolate flower bouquetDIYferrero rochergift


  1. Hi.

    I am thinking of making this for valentines day, but a bit confused about what you used as filler (the pearls and what the pearls are wrapped in). could you explain that step aswell?

  2. This beautiful and explain some what for me but I could like to know the measure of the cut squares please

  3. Hello, that’s idea is awesome ! But please can you be more exsact how you made the flowers? I can’t understand :)))

    1. the flower takes that shape when it’s wrapped arround the chocolate. and the edges overlapping give the realistic bud feeling. simple like that. the only problem is that the center has to be round to succeed. Hope this explantion helped a bit..

  4. This really is so beautiful… the only question is: how do we open it without damaging the crepe paper? It’d be such a waste to tear such beautiful artwork…. If anyone knows, please tell me… I’m thinking of making them for guests at a party but I’ll still feel guilty if they get torn…

  5. It is beautiful nd i am thinking of making it for my niece wedding. I just want to know how you wrapped the stem on to the balls. How will it stick and what material you used for the sticks.

  6. This is so beautiful! I want to make for my sons rehearsal dinner! Can you please give a few more details? What size do you cut the crepe squares to? What is the filler around the pearls? What is baking paper do you mean parchment?

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