You will need:
1. A Necktie;
2. Fashion Pins;
3. Sewing Thread and Needle;
4. Iron-On Velcro;
5. Pearls.
Steps to do it yourself:
1. Pleat and pin the necktie depending on how big or small you’d like the tip of it to be.
2. Custom Fit It. To get a great custom fit, just put it around your neck and see how it fits. Make or remove pleats until you’re satisfied.
3. Sew, Iron and Sew Again. Choose a color thread that best matches the color or pattern of the tie. Start sewing at the machine. You will probably need to use a size 18 needle, which is usually used for sewing jeans. After that, knot the threads at the two ends and cut any thread surplus. Now you can iron-on the Velcro on the back of the tie. Start the creativity procedure and ”decorate” your tie with buttons, flowers or pearls. And Voila!
Photo courtesy: instructables.
Keep being AllDayChic!
Es extraordinaria esta idea, sabia q un día se podría utilizar las viejas (bueno no tan viejas) corbatas.
Gracias por compartir su creatividad, que Jehva le bendiga cada día más.
I cant wait to try this idea thank you