
Beauty Hacks To Stay Gorgeous In Your Mid-30s

When you are in your mid-30s, you are in your prime, and most people feel like they are in control of their fashion sense. You might, however, lack control over your skin and hair, considering that you have a slower metabolism; therefore, your skin and hair fail to repair faster.

Consequently, you need to take your appearance seriously when in your mid-30s. You must always take caution when doing this, and with these beauty hacks, you will regain your beauty game while in your 30s.

Image by Alexandr Ivanov from Pixabay

Skin Care Hacks

1. Remain Hydrated

Staying hydrated is the simplest yet most effective way to achieve healthier skin. Always ensure that you take plenty of water every single day. By taking more water, you will avoid that dull, dry, and flaky skin. By water, we mean water. Avoid drinking carbonated drinks or juices as they can have a negative effect on your skin.

2. Try Exfoliating Regularly

Keep in mind that your skin sheds its outer layer every four weeks. Each passing day, your skin sheds the dead cells that eventually accumulate on the surface. Without regular cleaning, the dead cells will make your skin appear dark, patchy, dull and dry; it would, therefore, be necessary that you exfoliate at least once a week. Try using facial brushes or scrubs for exfoliation, and if that fails, try using Korean toners for that dry, oily, and acne-prone skin.

Esteemed reviewer Kryz Uy would advise that you learn more about your skin condition before employing any strategy. There are products made specifically for certain skin types, and picking the wrong product will be counterproductive and may even do more harm than good for some people.

3. Use Sunscreen

Well, sunscreen protects you from harmful UV rays and prevents aging of your skin. You, therefore, need to make it your priority to use a sunscreen with a PA+ rating. When purchasing sunscreen products, keep in mind that the higher the PA rating, the better the protection.

Hair Care Hacks

1. Oil Your Hair Regularly

Oiling your hair will reduce damage caused by surfactants that are found in hair care products and shampoos. Pick the appropriate oil that blends well with you that will help you reduce hair protein loss and one that penetrates your hair shaft.

2. Proper Use Of Shampoo

As earlier stated, the shampoo contains surfactants, and excessive use might weaken your hair. Before using shampoo, ensure that you dilute it first with a cup of water, then use it to clean your hair. Never massage your scalp using your nails and also avoid excessive cleaning of your hair since it might dry your hair.

3. Minimize Coloring Your Hair

Well, most hair colors have some harmful chemicals; therefore, you might need to limit the coloring. In case you can’t avoid hair colors, consider using products that don’t have ammonia. Keep in mind that the dye can damage your shaft, therefore ensure that you use color-protecting shampoos to prevent damaging that treated hair.

Makeup Hacks

1. Use A Primer

When wearing makeup, begin with a primer considering that it will help smoothen your skin and sets a base for the entire makeup. In case you are not comfortable using the primer, feel free to apply the T zone.

2. Concentrate On Your Eyes

You need to avoid the shimmery makeup and try the neutral types. Consider using an eyeliner that rhymes with your eyeshadow or enhance your eyelashes appearance using a boosting mascara.

3. Avoid Lipstick

The problem with using feathering lipstick is that your lips might dry, and the problem could worsen as you age. Try avoiding this by rubbing a concealer on your lips then fill them. In case you use a lip liner, make sure that it’s lighter than your lip gloss or lipstick.

4. Minimize The Use Of Powders

Powders are always easy to apply; however, if you have fine lines, the powder will settle in the lines. In your 30s, you need to switch to cream-based formulas, and the only powder that you can use is a light one that reduces the shine off that face.

Diet And Lifestyle Hacks

1. Reduce Stress

Whenever you are upset or stressed, you will probably experience a change of lifestyle and disturbed sleep. Stress will affect your skin, may accelerate skin aging, reduced blood flow to the skin, and inflammation.

2. Minimize Hot Showers

A hot shower might be relaxing, but could also remove moisture from your skin. Hot showers tend to make your skin flaky and dry; therefore, consider using warm water or, better yet, reduce the time you spend in that hot shower.

Generally, life in your mid-30s might be challenging, considering that you have to focus on your family and career. You, however, need to find some time to relax and focus on your body. Try modifying your daily routine and leading a healthy lifestyle to ensure your body ages gracefully.

Keep being AllDayChic!

Tags : beautybeauty tipshair caremakeupskin care

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