Everyone struggles with blackheads at one point in their lifetime and if you are the one who never had them you are extremely lucky. Blackheads form when our pores open and they get clogged with dirt. Besides the unhealthy side of this, the aesthetic one is affecting the person more. Leaving their name behind, not all blackheads are black as most of them are yellowish and look dirty. Not everyone has perfect skin so if you struggle with them you are in the right spot as you will learn how to efficiently remove those nasty blackheads and all in the comfort of your own home using just a few things.

What you will need:
– vaseline;
– plastic foil;
– some damp, hot washcloths;
– some paper tissues.
Directions: Before starting to apply things over the blackheads take a warm shower or bath because this will open and soften your pores which need to be cleaned. Immediately, after you have finished with the shower, apply Vaseline over the blackheads, then a plastic foil. This is designed to keep the area warm for a longer period of time. Over the foil, put the hot washcloth and stay a few minutes with them on. After the time has expired take everything off your nose and squeeze the skin where your blackheads are with your fingers that have over them some paper tissues. The paper tissues will absorb the grease better. If you do this twice a month it should be enough to enjoy clean pores most of the time. Try to keep your skin as clean as possible and enjoy your beauty!
Photo courtesy: ddgdaily.
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