Here we have an ingenious technique to create gradient nails. To do this manicure you need:
– two colour polishes;
– a top coat;
– a sponge;
– toothpicks;
– a plastic sheet.
Directions: First, varnish the nails with the lightest colour and let it dry. Then, put a sufficient amount of both colour alongside on a flat surface, making sure the edges touch. Mix up the colours at the contact point with a toothpick. For a longer graduation combine a larger section of the two nail polishes. Using a flat sponge dabbed into the nail polishes, apply afterwards straight on the nails. You can repeat the dabbing process as many times as you feel necessary, as long as you make sure each layer is fully dried before applying another one. Because the sponge tends to make the manicure a bit rough, it will take at least a layer of top coat in order to smooth the surface. To clean up the excess nail polish, you can use a cotton swab or a small brush dipped in polish remover and you are all set to flaunt a chic, easy to do mani.
Photo courtesy: 1. nailscope; 2. The Nailasaurus.
I tried this and it worked great!! Thanks