shoe storage idea lazy susan

All women love shoes, the more they have…the better they feel. But how to store the shoes? Lazy Susan came up with an amazing idea for shoe storage: the Lazy Susan ShoeCase. This shoe rack displays 24 pairs, up to size 10, and as tall as 8 inches.  Stacking your items will allow you to showcase 48 pairs of shoes. The meticulously finished edges along with its precision mechanism of rotating make this shoe rack the must-have home add. You will keep your shoes organized and protected. If you are interested in creating this rack there are some directions to DIY. Find them below. Enjoy!

lazy susan shoe case
diy - lazy susan shoe case
diy - lazy susan shoe case 1
diy - lazy susan shoe case 3

Photo courtesy: ladysusanshoerack, homedepot.

Keep being AllDayChic!

Tags : lazy susan shoe caseorganizeshoe storage


  1. Yes, exactly. I would of attempted this but serves me no purpose if i cant turn it to get to the shoes on the other side. Fail.

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