
How to Remove Yellow Stains from Your Shirts


We all know how difficult it is to remove yellow stains from white shirts and not only. All that dust that gathers around your neck and goes directly to the collars of your shirts and doesn’t want to go out while normal machine washing is making you throw away a good piece of clothing for no great reason. There are a few methods you can use to make your clothes spotless and we will give you the best one. You will be amazed by the results of this method, all ingredients are powerful spot fighters and together are an unbeatable formula.

You will need:
– baking soda;
– hydrogen peroxide;
– dish-washing liquid;
– a bowl;
– a small brush or even an old toothbrush;

Directions: You will have to make a mix from all three ingredients as follows: 1 part dish-washing liquid with 2 parts hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 part baking soda. Mix it all together in the bowl then brush out every nasty yellow spot and rinse in the end. Simple and easy and not to mention efficient. No more ring around the collar!

Check out also: How to Remove Sweat Stains – DIY.

How to Remove Yellow Stains from Your Shirts How to Remove Yellow Stains from Your Shirts (2)

Photo courtesy: shannonsews.

Keep being AllDayChic!

Tags : Remove Sweat StainsRemove Yellow Stainsshirtswhite clothes

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